40: beginning anew

Well, I just turned 40 and it feels pretty huge. It’s hard to explain, but as I step across this threshold, somehow I know that I’m entering a completely new phase of my life. 

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Carrie Grossman
Honoring Grief: A Revolution of Tenderness

This morning when I read the news, I felt sick to my stomach. It’s not that anything specific happened—just the madness of our world. Today, it hit me hard. These are challenging times and I often feel lost in a whirlwind of rage, disgust, grief, hope, numbness, faith, and fear. As our planet heats up, our minds are burning—and there’s so much angst in the air. Although we can say our insane administration is to blame, in some ways none of this is new—the tension’s been building for a long time.

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Carrie Grossman